Condair Podcasts
Below is a series of podcasts recorded by members of our team, providing information on best practise in humidity control and evaporative cooling. Use the players to listen.
PODCAST: CLEANROOM HUMIDITY CONTROLLearn how to manage humidity in tightly controlled areas.
PODCAST: HOW TO SELECT & SIZE A HUMIDIFIERLearn how to plan a humidification project.
FIGHTING STATIC & ESD PODCASTUnderstand how to combat static & ESD by maintaining the ideal indoor humidity.
PODCAST: HOW TO SIZE & SELECT A DEHUMLearn the important things to consider when approaching a commercial dehumidifier project.
FREEZER PODCASTListen to this short podcast on how to reduce ice and misting in freezers and cold stores with dehumidifiers.
FOOD PODCASTListen to this podcast on how food & beverage manufacturers can enhance their productivity by controlling humidity
Check out this podcast on how maintaining 40-60% relative humidity indoors is important in combatting the spread of viral infection.
Listen to our podcast on how humidifiers can be used for evaporative cooling in air handling units.
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